Sophie Hicks sets Acne Studios' flagship identity in the concrete jungle

NEW YORK – Sophie Hicks repours the concrete concept of Acne Studios' flagship within the depths of the concrete jungle.

First generating waves in Seoul's wealthy district of Gangnam, the minimal material palette of the London-based architect's Korean flagship sinks into the West Village. Situated away from the city's established retail areas and amid the neighbourhood setting of Horatio Street, the clean-lined interior transcends its residential building casing, instead offering a stripped back and raw aesthetic worthy of a luxurious elevator. 

A polished concrete floor is topped with partitions of brushed stainless steel and fittings illuminated by lights which filter through walls of frosted glass. A single rail runs around the store's perimeter, effectively limiting the number of garments to be displayed at one time, allowing each item to breathe and take centre stage. 

Aside from statement pieces, the only alien elements touching down within the space are a series of bespoke plinths and stools by British designer Max Lamb.
